How to Create Cool Motion Backgrounds for Social Media with The Graphics Creator

Have you ever waved your hands in the air (and maybe even jumped up and down!) to get the attention of a friend across the room? Ya know, to say “Hey, I’m here, so come over and say hi”.

Well, in order to get attention from friends and potential customers or partners online, you need to do the same thing. Only, they won’t see you if you’re waving your hands around. So, what can you do instead to get noticed?

Watch this video and see how easy it is to create MOTION GRAPHICS

Give them interesting and exciting visual content that makes them stop and take a look! Add a little bit of motion or animation to your social media and marketing designs. Not only will these designs jump out at your viewer, but they’ll also make you look sophisticated and professional.

Easily create cool motion graphics for social media, marketing, blog, web pages and more

Instead of spending months waving your hands in the air and jumping up and down, get attention in a way that really compels your viewer to read and click on your content. The Graphics Creator helps you design an attention-getting motion graphic image from pre-designed templates… and in just a few minutes.

Use Laughingbird Software’s motion design templates as a starting point or add animated elements to any static template.

Watch the video above for a quick and easy motion graphics tutorial.

How Do You Animate Graphics?

If you’re already a Photoshop expert, you can probably make an animated graphic without too much trouble.

For the rest of us small business owners, entrepreneurs, and beginning designers, you can make an animated gif or motion background in just a few minutes with The Graphics Creator.

Easily create a graphic and download the results to use in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pinterest (did you know you can create a motion video pin?).

Although you might think you need an entire motion video to get attention, you really only need a cool moving background within your graphic.

How to Make a Moving Background

It’s easy. Just watch the video and follow along. You’ll create your first animated image in under 15 minutes.

Make these three EASY motion animated designs  :

Facebook Brand Graphics

Use video motion in your Facebook timeline header and create an ad with the same brand design.

When people click over to your Facebook page from an ad, they’ll be comforted by seeing the same colors, fonts, and overall look and feel that they’re familiar with. They’ll know they’re in the right place and that they’re dealing with a professional company.

Animated Inspirational Quote

An encouraging, funny, or helpful quote gets more “likes” on social media than just a pretty image. Then add a design that moves in the background! Now you’re drawing the eyes of viewers that might not have been interested otherwise.

Note: Make sure that, once someone enjoys your inspiration, they know what action to take. Leave a call-to-action (specifically tell them what to do next), logo, link to your site (URL), professional name, or company name on your image.

Pinterest Video Pins

Yes, video pins! Pinterest has said repeatedly that video will get you more views. So what are you waiting for?

Get some ideas from Laughingbird Software’s Pinterest boards.

Motion backgrounds for every design

Add motion to ANY Graphics Creator template, whether it be a social media, logo, or even viral puzzle template! Watch the video above to see exactly how to place a motion background behind a puzzle image.

And let me tell you that whenever Marc or I have posted a viral puzzle design on Facebook, it gets more engagement than ANY other type of post.

This is because it’s fun and challenging, as well as the fact that people leave their answer in the comments (we’ve had up to a few hundred comments on just one post… within two days)! And then they watch to find out the correct answer (which we always post within a day or two).

So take that and add another cool, eye-catching element… a motion background!

Create Motion Graphics Fast

Now that you’ve read this article, you have absolutely no excuse for posting boring, unprofessional marketing designs and social media… ever again! Get attention quickly and double the clicks over to your site with a little movement in your visual content.

Bonus Idea: Stand out even more by using fun and expressive characters in your designs, moving or still. The Graphics Creator has hundreds of mannequin characters, mascots, and cartoon images already included!

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