5 free useful software products you should be using right now!
WPS Office Free
Well designed, powerful and flexible, WPS Office is the best free office software
When you think of office software, Microsoft Office is probably the first one that springs to mind. This is hardly surprising as so many computer come with a copy of it pre-installed, but the bad news is that in many cases it is just a trial and you’ll need to fork out for an Office 365 subscription to continue using it.
Few people can get by without a word processor, spreadsheet app, presentation tool or even all three, but what if you don’t fancy the idea of coughing up for your office software?
WPS Office Free may not be the most famous office suite, but after a recent overhaul we believe it’s the best.
In terms of looks (not that we’re entirely shallow, you understand), WPS Office Free is second to none. If you’ve used any recent version of Microsoft Office, you will feel immediately at home.
Photoshopping in your browser
Sumo Paint is an online image editor, without need to install anything to your device. It’s the most versatile photo editor and painting application that works in a browser. You can open and save images from your hard drive or save it to cloud.
Real Time Communication That Works. Create Your Free Team Today!
Slack brings all your communication together in one place. It’s real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams.
The Graphics Creator (formerly the Logo Creator)